The Escape Plan film series consists of American prison action-thrillers based on characters created by Miles Chapman and Arnell Jesko. The series is centered on Ray Breslin, a security analyst and escape artist who helps design supermax prisons by posing as an inmate to find their flaws; later films center on his security and hostage rescue firm.
The series stars Sylvester Stallone, with a supporting cast including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dave Bautista and Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson as allies and associates of Breslin. All entries in the series since the second film have primarily been released direct-to-video, though they have also been released in some theaters. The series has received a mixed-to-negative critical response.
Escape Plan (2013)
Escape Plan 2: Hades (2018)
Main article: Escape Plan 2: Hades
Years after escaping The Tomb, Ray Breslin has expanded his security company’s operations, hiring a team and working a wide range of operations. After a team member goes missing during a routine operation, Breslin and his associate Trent DeRosa must work to rescue them from their high-tech off-the-grid prison known as “HADES”.
Escape Plan: The Extractors (2019)
Main article: Escape Plan: The Extractors
When a business magnate’s daughter and her entourage are abducted, Ray Breslin and his team must work with her former bodyguard to rescue them from the top secret black site they are imprisoned in, operated by the vengeful son of his former business partner who betrayed him years prior.