The Force is Real.
Real life Jedi do exist.
Do you know how to use the Force in real life?
Can you answer “yes” to any of the following statements?
I breathe
I think
I have emotions
I jump
I see
I eat dinner
I do stuff
If you agree with any of the above statements, then you probably know how to use the Force in real life. In fact, you do so at every moment.
This Jedi training manual will help you to learn to use the Force more consciously and efficiently.
The Force is not a supernatural phenomenon outside of us. The Force is really just a term that describes an extension of ourselves that is subtle. We just haven’t necessarily cultivated the sensitivity and skills to work with it yet.
There is so much to us that goes on below the level of consciousness – on finer and finer levels of being. We have effects on everyone and everything that we are not even aware of.
In our minds, we separate the gross from the subtle. The ego naturally separates and categorizes everything.
The body, the mind and the Force are not three things. They are one inseparable thing. It is seemless.
Science is now confirming the existence of the Force. It’s been a little slow. This is because a scientist needs to separate him/herself from something in order to study it “objectively”.
It is very hard to separate yourself from consciousness. In fact, it’s impossible. It is quite a trick trying to set up experiments in just the right way.
Luckily, machines have been developed which measure subtle frequencies and some of their effects.
There is a coherence to these frequencies. We’re used to imagining the subtle reality as a bunch of marbles clanking together in random ways. This is just our imagination. It’s fantasy.
There is an intelligence behind everything. This intelligence controls the Force. A real life Jedi knows how to tap into this intelligence and actively learns how to use the Force in real life.
You will learn how to use the force as a real life Jedi. Please promise me that you will develop wisdom as quickly as you learn to use the Force. Just as you don’t want babies playing with nuclear weapons, you don’t want to hold onto an unripe mind while developing your abilities.
Wisdom is not all-or-nothing. It is a process of developing the maturity of being present with experience as it arises and falls away. We gradually lose the tendency of clinging to comfortable experience and pushing away uncomfortable experience. When we master this, then greed, anger, resentment, etc fall away.
Here is one exercise for you to try which will enable you to quickly learn how to use the force in real life.
Hand Sensitization
Find a partner. If you don’t have anyone around, use both of your palms together instead of yours and someone else’s.
Face each other. One of you holds a palm face up. The other places a palm just above that one so that the two palms are facing each other. The hand on top moves around in small circles that gradually become larger while noticing any sensations that take place.
It is easier to feel the Force from another person than by placing your own palms together. However, place your own two palms together. Make some small circles with one palm while the other palm stays still. Make the circles bigger.
Practice doing this with your own palms every day, and you will become much more sensitive to the Force.
Here are some tips on how to enhance the efficiency of this sensitivity practice.
Before you begin the hand sensitization exercises, place the thumb of one hand on the pressure point in the center of the other palm. Massage the pressure point using a lot of pressure. Now, do the same with the other palm. This increases your sensitivity. You can also rub your hands together vigorously to generate a lot of heat.