An 11-year-old Who Has Been Abandoned By Both His Birth Parents And His Adoptive Family Comes Across A Single Father Who Is Interested In Adopting Him

Despite spending years with his adoptive parents, this little child had no clue that his “family” was seeking for a way to discard him like he was nothing – and the terrible part is that they were successful in their efforts.

It is the ultimate act of compassion to adopt a child and provide them with the life they have always deserved. This is particularly true when it comes to children who have been abandoned by their negligent biological parents who have treated them horribly in the past.

Unfortunately, it does happen that adoptive parents forsake the children they once welcomed into their lives, as was the case with Anthony, a young boy who was adopted.

The day Anthony was admitted to the hospital, his adoptive parents abandoned him there instead of loving him and being there for him in sickness and in health, as they should have done.

One of the most distressing aspects of the whole situation is that their decision to “dump” their kid was legal.


This little child was left alone, abandoned, afraid, and emotionally broken when all of the promises of a forever family were tossed out the window.

Those who learnt of this boy’s tragic end couldn’t believe that there were individuals there who were as kind as his family. They took care of him for seven years before abandoning him just when he needed them the most, according to him.


Anthony’s story was posted on the Love What Matters website..

“He had no idea when or if they would ever come back for him since he had not been involved in the plan they had devised to leave their kid,” says the author. Despite the fact that this was not the first time, most people could not comprehend how a parent could do something like this to their kid. You see, they had done the exact same thing to their second adoptive kid a couple of years previously, which was tragically the case in this instance.”

But then a guy called Peter Mutabazi happened to cross Anthony’s path at an inconvenient time and completely transformed his life.


Peter had a difficult upbringing. He used to live with his violent father in a remote hamlet bordering Rwanda and Uganda, where he was abused by him. The ordeals he was forced to through during his childhood inspired him to dedicate his life to assisting youngsters who are experiencing difficulties in life.

Once in the United States, Peter established a thriving real estate firm in Oklahoma, allowing him to finally realize his desire of assisting children in need of love and a home.


Peter’s path into foster care started with the adoption of two boys, with whom he instantly fell in love the minute he met them. However, the decision to care for them did not last long as the Family Court concluded that they should be reunited with their biological father.

Peter was delighted for them, but he was also devastated at the prospect of being apart from them for an extended period of time. As a result, when he was approached about a youngster who he was meant to watch after “only for the weekend,” he was unsure whether or not he should accept the assignment.

Eventually, he said okay, but he opted not to inquire about the boy’s family or previous experiences. It was at this point when Anthony entered Peter’s life.


What Peter didn’t realize was that what he thought would be a “short weekend” would turn out to be a lifetime.


Speaking about Anthony, Peter shared his thoughts:

No way in my wildest dreams did I see myself as a foster parent to the kid of two parents who had lived lives that met the stringent background check criteria required for parenting foster children, only to abandon not one, but two of their children.


Once Anthony met Peter, he referred to him as ‘Dad,’ and they became fast friends. Nevertheless, Peter advised him not to address him in this manner since he did not want to get very connected to someone who would only be staying in his house for 48 hours.

“I told him he may refer to me as ‘Mr. Peter,’ and 20 minutes after his arrival, he inquired as to if he might refer to me as ‘Dad.’” What? I didn’t even know what his last name was, and yet he insisted on calling me ‘Dad.’ This was out of the ordinary, since most children in foster care would immediately tell you that you are not their father and ‘never will be,’ according to them. It was clear that the youngster I had just met was not even attempting to make that point.”


When Monday rolled around, Peter couldn’t resist but inquire about Anthony’s whereabouts from the social worker. The response he received shattered his heart into a million pieces. He could never comprehend how such a lovely child could be abandoned twice, first by his birth parents and again by his harsh adoptive parents.

Peter was completely unaware that it was permissible for adoptive parents to just remove their children from their homes.


Anthony’s case, according to the social worker, was simply branded as a “failed adoption.” It was at that moment that Peter realized he couldn’t be the second person to let this youngster down after all he’d been through.

“They signed a document releasing them from their parenting responsibilities and haven’t looked back since. I was really taken aback! What I was hearing was so unbelievable that I couldn’t believe it. I burst into tears, filled with rage at what these adults had done to this 11-year-old kid.


“I was not going to allow him to be overlooked once again. In addition, he was already addressing me as ‘Dad.’ A placement letter was requested from the social worker, and I requested it the same day so that I could enroll him in school the next day. Her face lit up when I told her I was serious, and we both burst into tears of happiness.”

The official adoption of Anthony as Peter’s son took just a few of months to complete. The two of them were overjoyed that they had discovered one other. And, while it seemed at first that this incredible guy had rescued the vulnerable youngster, the fact was that they had saved one other.


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